Fighting Irony: category

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Will You Be My Madeleine?

Will You Be My Madeleine? Like a new pen you are filled with promise nothing yet On the Record only the perfection of irrational imagination Too soon you will be hazy appear as a mind-screen Double Feature with the soft vanilla scent of Junior High love behind the disappointing discovery of padded bras, misshapen breasts [...]

The Other Half of Me is You

The Other Half of Me is You You are not like a boat but you sink me with the weight of words the anchor of time capsizing me before noon, most days You are not like a bee but your sting swells the part of your violence, under my skin the closer you get– the [...]

Staring at an Empty To Do List on a Glorious Autumn Morning Outside of Los Alamos, NM

Staring at an Empty To Do List on a Glorious Autumn Morning Outside of Los Alamos, New Mexico Whatever happened to Oppenheimer after the Atomic Bomb Or Leo after Gisele Where to now? And should I even begin again (Again?) after you

I wish I remembered more of you.

I wish I remembered more of you. There is not much to say here except that your eyes were clear your taste in music excitable and infectious–but second guessed. Oh here’s something more! Your tattoo misplaced– shame to the man who exchanged a hundred impotent dollars (euros?) to scar the lower beauty of your back. Listen, [...]

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