Fighting Irony: archive

You are at the archive for the January, 2009

From David to the Pharmaceutical Goliaths

From David to the Pharmaceutical Goliaths To Whom It May Concern Please bring to market-battle a pill for Anomie. We’ve got one for everything else. Everyday in my inbox, promises of penile enhancement Funny word–more penal system or pianist than male sex organ. OK, Mr. Merck, if your impotent market research shows declining demand for [...]

This One Isn’t About You Either, or, $1.77

This One Isn’t About You Either, or, $1.77 I know I said I’d write one about you one day or worse, promised someone else would outsourced the fitting flattering descriptions, a touch of the flowery, never crossing the line you use to protect yourself from aesthetes. I apologize for my cowardice. Now will you say [...]

My Lighthouse Smoke Detector Goes All Night Long

My Lighthouse Smoke Detector Goes All Night Long I will never forget how you looked at me Your moment of realization as pained as a punch to the gut as clear as cut crystal untouched by my sweaty hairy-nuckled paw empty of the whiskey that gives it purpose Just 15 minutes earlier you greeted me [...]

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