Fighting Irony: entry

The author published this entry on Wednesday 30 July, 2008 at 7:33 pm.

I wish I remembered more of you.

I wish I remembered more of you.

There is not much to say here
except that your eyes were clear
your taste in music excitable
and infectious–but second guessed.

Oh here’s something more!
Your tattoo misplaced–
shame to the man who exchanged
a hundred impotent dollars (euros?)
to scar the lower beauty of your back.

Listen, don’t you think it’s time now?
To stop escaping our everydays
You to the beach
Me to the coffee shop.

Admit that, hey we tried
did you?
best to keep moving on now
leave the flashing lights
to the blessed
the bless-ed
the carefree
the chosen ones–
of which, I am not chosen
and you, well…
I’ve been wrong about this before.

But either way babe
You and me babe we could
face this shit, head on head first
fight for something–
isn’t that what you all want?
for us to fight for something?
that something being you
instead of always fucking

and waiting and waiting around
waiting around for my nicks to stop
bleeding for the sand to be vaccumed!
for the jack and coke to hit bottom
for the pot dealer on his stupid! fucking! moped
for your vegan cold soba noodle bullshit
for you to reach across the table and
smile at me like you did when we first
met and I didn’t speak because I was
so fucking depressed that everything
was fucked up forever
so why even bother.

But if not, if the other, if back to the daze:
I would appreciate some time
away from the thought of you.

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