Fighting Irony: entry

The author published this entry on Wednesday 22 October, 2008 at 5:59 pm.

The Other Half of Me is You

The Other Half of Me is You

You are not like a boat
but you sink me with the weight of words
the anchor of time
capsizing me before noon, most days

You are not like a bee
but your sting swells
the part of your violence, under my skin
the closer you get–
the noise from distracting to deafening
–the fucking noise

You are not like a snake
but you scare me still
always hiding in the grass
waiting to swallow me whole
most days, before noon

What you are is:
a turbulent plane ride
a third world train wreck
a Father with his hand held high
the fists of discipline pounding
away away away
at the
dreams of rising
above it all

You are also this:
Buds of pink and purple, no matter how brief
Lining the streets of urban decay

It’s 4 am
the phone rings
reminds us that death happens
death of loved ones
most mornings, my own

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