Fighting Irony: entry

The author published this entry on Wednesday 06 May, 2009 at 8:37 pm.

For You on Your Day(s)

For You on Your Day(s)

When was the last time
I tried to write something happy?
Maybe it’s because I only write
in the mornings now-
the nights being so crowded and loud.

So it’s off to fight the good fight
every morning, your California son
incredulous to the ceaseless California sun.
Always waiting for the caffeine sunrise
never expecting its cloudy crash.

Or write something for someone?
I hide behind pseudonyms
abbreviations and allusions
under hats and thin beards
covers and blankets
characters and commitments.

What is there really to say,
except those words said too often
and never enough
Thank You
I Love You.
Even a slice of heavenly French silk
loses some of its sweetness
if eaten everyday for breakfast.

So today, on your day
I think it best to take the literal approach
come in for a dramatic landing
out here, on display
in the open white fields
of paper plains

Without You:
I would not exist.

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