Incriminating Evidence of the Former and the Latter
You again?
With your pigtails your smile
Is that really necessary
For you to be smiling
All the time?
Every time I see you
I look for something sad or damaged
darker than you let on
Besides the real color of your hair
which is as much a mystery to
me as you
Could it be you have no secrets
no place you won’t show me
But what of that night
when you came home exhausted
Didn’t say a word to me
though I was waiting on your stoop
taking care of your dog
Oh, but yes I have, I’ve heard things
Don’t think I haven’t heard those things
Nasty incriminating things
about how lousy you are in bed
how still
and silent
This I refuse to believe.
I still believe in God you know
mostly at night
next to your shadow
I am alone here, tonight
The morning coming quickly
the blinking cursor blinding
the awful squeal of city bus breaks
the smell of snowing diesel particles
nothing like your smell
sounding nothing like your squeal
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